ARC - Academic Research Cooperative


Anchors (Entities and Individuals in charge of early discussions, data gathering, fund raising, scheduling, mission statements, marketing and implementation of official charter of ARC) plan to further develop a proposed Charter for Incubation, Stake Holding as well as future Investment Models of Proposed Academic Research Cooperative and their  corresponding  centers, institutes and projects.  Ongoing communications were established as of February 2015, 

Present Process being suggested is based in  form of Findings and Analysis.  Our operations will be based in Lebanon will be anchored by a leading Private Lebanese University (PLU) and to include other likeminded Academic Universities in Lebanon and abroad, Non Profit Organizations (locally and internationally).  A  first of its kind Private Public Academic Cooperative Agreement through ARC for proposed Research Institutes and Centers.

Alternative Land Use & Shelter as well as Renewable Energy Institutes dedicated to serve, research, administer and implement its findings the MENA Region will be included as well.

Collective Anchors  plan to begin Due Diligence process by early 2017 as we hope to deliver an Executive Leadership and in part a Ready to Sign Document to Provost of Lead Private Lebanese University and to embed ARC with PLU's Provosts office.


ARC (Academic Research Cooperative) at Incubation will be funded by incubators at the rate of $1.000 per Individual and $5.000 per Entity and should raise $5 Million in total funds to be distributed evenly amongst Institutes, Centers and Special Purpose Vehicles whereas at least 20% of all expenses will be covered through incubators as it will pave the way forward for 2nd Phase of Research (Stake Holding). ARC Incubation time frame begins 7 month after signing of ARC's Official Charter and will involve signing of MoU's (Memorandum of Understanding and GP's (Guiding Principles) with various Incubators regionally and Internationally.  Our objective is to include at least 1000 active incubators in Lebanon, MENA Region and Globally in a 7 year span.

Stake Holding

Stake Holding Collective Agreement is based on proposed Initiatives, Institutes, Centers, and Projects submitted by Anchors, Incubators, Academic Partners, Faculty, Non Profit entities and individuals, For Profit entities and Individuals and finally Government of Lebanon. Based on this initiative, ARC Stake Holding will enable an advanced mode for research and funding of particular topics and projects either on a case by case basis with start and completion dates or a Work in Progress approach with sliding scale Deliverable Findings and Analysis. 

The Stakeholders Agreements and Implementations with Universities can begin once an official Charter is established and should yield a more substantial financial and technical contribution from Anchors, Incubators and other concerned entities with specific topics to be developed as part of a Faculty and Student Work Study Program throughout Academic Fall and Spring Semesters and Sumer Recess.  An Investment model will incorporated  to fully finance and partner with Graduating Students from ARC and their respective academic entities once their business models can be implemented in Private and Public sector markets.  Economic Longevity,  Digital Innovation and Community Sustainability will be able to provide key factors in decision making for Post Academic Investments