Rachid  Karami International Fair

Rachid Karami International Fair consists of South and North Sections.  RKIF South is not presently developed or utilized as our proposal recommends the establishment of a Private Public Partnership for the purpose of development of 370.000 sqm of multi use lease space.  

Oscar Niemeyer designed the International Fairgrounds of Tripoli in 1963.  Work on site came to a complete stop in 1975 however 15 built structures remain in RKIF.  Proposed design will not interface with existing facilities and buildings on site as most proposed new spaces will are proposed in Vacant South Lawn of RKIF.

Total construction cost of new facility is estimated at $220 to $250 million (not including proposed secondary hotel).  Proposed development Land of RKIF South is located along RKIF South Grounds and presently vacant with a total land mass area of 240.000 sqm with a potential addition of an additional 400.000 sqm built up of following services and spaces:

1-High Tech Corridor (Information Technology, Web Design, SME Business to Business Services for MENA, Telecommunications  etc.)  in Tripoli catering to Start Up Companies mainly from Lebanon and abroad.  TBU at 50.000 sqm.  Special Preference is given to North Lebanese Start Up Companies, Lebanese Companies, Arab Companies and International entities.  Funding for Start Up Lebanese companies by Kafalat and 331 Directive along with a specially funded SME and Equity Financing

2-Start Up Companies in other disciplines (Architecture, Design, Consulting, fashion Engineering and Manufacturing with Kafalat and 331 Directive as models for initial start up funding with emphasis on ARC Model (Academic Research Cooperative).  TBU estimated at 50.000 sqm.

3-Retail Shopping Center with an estimated TBU of 250.000 sqm. Shopping Center will provide a retail shopping experience to local and regional population given the fact not a single retail mall presently exists in Tripoli.  Of proposed 250.000 built up, at least 180.000 sqm of proposed lease built up space will be allocated for Retail Shopping with remaining enclosed area utilized as support facilities (offices, storage, circulation and more).

4-Support Facilities (restaurants, food courts, business meeting facilities, commercial banking branches and short term office lease with TBU at 50.000 sqm.

5-Additional elevated Parking Spaces may be needed at a later juncture along with potential development of a secondary hotel.  The present Quality Inn hotel is located along Tripoli-Beirut Highway.

6-RKIF footprint (area) is estimated at 1 million sqm.  Total area of Existing Exhibition Space is estimated at 43.000 sqm (TBU-Total Built Up). Present RKIF site is located less than 2000 meters from main Central Business District of Tripoli and 600m from its seashore. An area of 360.000 is presently populated by landscaping and gardens with parking space accommodating 2000 vehicles. 

The Entrance Portico has a total built up of 2400 sqm, Main Exhibition (45.000 sqm) space along with Guest House (3600 sqm TBU), Lebanese Pavilion with total of 2000 sqm, Experimental Theater with 4800 sqm and Open Air Theater are few of Built Up building components RKIF consists of.  Main Exhibition area is complete fully enveloped at 30.000 sqm with remaining 15.000 still requiring major construction yet both roof and structure are complete.


Rene Mouawad International Airport

Executive Synopsis:  Qliaat Civil Aviation Airport was completed in 1958 by Iraqi Petrolium Corporation before it was used as a Lebanese Army Base in Mid 1960's.

Potential land absorption of 30 million sqm in Distressed Properties north of RMIA Akkar.  Development of a vehicle to Absorb properties as part of a PPP Mandate (Equity Partnership Mandate).  Total Built Up estimated at 1 million sqm and peaks at 10 million sqm.

Two Airport Terminals, one dedicated fro Cargo Transport and another for Low Discount Airlines - LDA.  Total capacity of 2.5 million (annually) at peak (10 years post construction completion with annual increase of 5%)  with potential extensive use by Syrian Citizens (Tartous, Hums, Hama and Latakia).

Trade Free Zone, GCC Zone, Enterprise Zone, Academic Cluster, Support Facilities, Housing, Health Care, Cargo Hubs, Retail and Hotels are few of the potential uses.

Creation of at least Lebanese 70.000 jobs.  Maximum output at peak around 175.000 jobs (51% Lebanese and 49 % International). 7% of all Lebanese Jobs in manufacturing, agricultural industry, transportation, management and wholesale and while 5% of all Lebanese jobs will be dedicated for Security and Protection of all facilities by private and public entities.

Tripoli Transportation Economic Master Plan   -    TTEMP.com

TTEMP is an architectural design, master planning, economic analysis and business simulation models developed by a number of stakeholders chiefly amongst them Solh Design Workshop and Peace Fund Lebanon (www.peacefundlebanon.com). 

TTEMP has evolved effectively since late 2006 as a potential incubator for Private Public Partnership in Akkar and Tripoli (North Lebanon).

Our vision provides emphasis on all aspects of transportation and economic development.  PFL has identified RKIF and RMIA as two key factors for a better implementation of TTEMP both at Micro and Macro levels.

Both proposed projects and their respective facilities are owned by Government of Lebanon and its respective subsidiaries.  Hence, a series of digital and real estate simulations are continuously being updates to provide an effective mechanism for a Logic Algorithm to be embedded in our research and analysis.