Shelter for Syrian in Lebanon

The Stakeholders have proposed a fully funded, integrated and operated hybrid shelters for Syrians presently residing in Lebanon.

Proposed Facilities include communal kitchens, daycare, grammar, sanitary facilities, elementary schools, health care and laundry facilities.

Shelters for Syrian Guests to be erected on Private and Public Rural Properties in Lebanon and to be later relocated to Syria with the same embedded mechanism of operations. The development of proposed camps will be fully funded by Private Sector and non profit tax deductible donations from Europe, North Americas as well as government sponsored donations from entities in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council). The cost per shelter should not exceed $950 and may be fully equipped with ceiling fans and insulation along with bedding and other comfort items. Based on digital prototype analysis, assemble and disassemble time frame should not exceed 2 hours per dome and should have a life span of 5 + years.

All camps will have a governing and management entities. Each camp will be operated by a consortium of Lebanese and International nonprofit and for profit entities as well as ordinary Lebanese and Syrian Citizens. We anticipate 10 camps to be established in Lebanon with a maximum capacity of 25.000 to 30.000 guests per camp. The locations of such camps are to be located mainly in Akkar and Bekaa. Each shelter will depend on Diesel engine generators, PV and Wind Turbines (whenever applicable) to generate energy and will not require any power feed from Electricity of Lebanon.

We (the stakeholders) plan to include academic entities in such effort and therefore, we may suggest that a fellow up meeting is help at one of the leading academic entities in Beirut to discuss mobilization and funding.